Does this ultrasound replace mammogram or breast MRI?

No. The physics of each of these exams is different from one another. Due to differences in breast composition, and differences in manifestation of different types of breast cancer as calcifications, masses, architectural distortion, differences in blood flow or other forms, an appropriate usage of multiple modalities might be necessary to allow early detection of cancer. We recommend following American College of Radiology and Society of breast imaging guidelines about what imaging may be appropriate for you based on your individual risk factors. Our fellowship trained breast imaging radiologist will be able to guide you about the recommended imaging for you, based on your risk factors.

Does this Ultrasound emit radiation?


Does this ultrasound need injection of a contrast dye ?


How long will it take for me to get my results?

The radiologist will be able to offer a final report within 24 hours of receiving all the relevant necessary information that may be requested to help in interpretation of your exam, which may include reports and images of your prior mammograms, ultrasound, MRI and / or biopsy results.

Do you take insurance?

Please see our Pricing page for insurances that we are in network with. To allow insurance billing for your exam, we will additionally need a referring provider order directly faxed to our number (480) 685-9920. At the time of your appointment, we do collect the contracted cost share such as deductible, coinsurance and copay, as relevant to your insurance.

For any out of network patients, we can provide a Super bill that you may submit to your insurance for reimbursement towards out of network benefits. No MD order or referral is needed for out of network or cash pay patients.

What are some advantages of Automated breast Ultrasound (ABUS) over handheld ultrasound (HHUS) for breast cancer screening?

Here are some of the benefits of ABUS over HHUS:

  1. Comprehensive imaging: ABUS provides a 3D image of the entire breast to the radiologist, while HHUS only provides images of the area that the healthcare professional can reach with the handheld probe. This means that ABUS can detect breast cancers that may be potentially missed by HHUS.

  2. Consistent imaging: ABUS is performed by a machine that moves around the breast, which ensures that the same areas are imaged every time. In contrast, HHUS is operator-dependent, and the quality and coverage of the images can vary depending on the skills and experience of the healthcare professional performing the exam.

  3. CORONAL plane : The ABUS Coronal plane is a true game changer when it comes to reviewing Ultrasound. It helps demonstrate the anatomical layout, distance, and position of multiple lesions in the breast which can help radiologists in follow-up of multiple lesions at same time, saving time and building accuracy . It helps surgeons in preoperative planning.

  4. Faster imaging: ABUS can be performed more quickly than HHUS, as the machine can capture multiple images at once, while HHUS typically takes longer due to the smaller probe around the breast to capture each image. Hence the appointments may be shorter with ABUS allowing scanning of more patients, hence saving more lives.