Media Gallery

Multicentric 9cm invasive lobular breast cancer Cryoablation - A detailed case study.
​​​​​​​A special focus on skin management.

Breast Cancer Cryoablation Pre and Post - A Detailed Case Study

Rems Echolight at URPrecious Scottsdale, AZ!

Who can benefit from REMS Echolight scan?

Why choose REMS over a DEXA?

When to have REMS Echolight Ultrasound Bone Densitometry exam?

The Advantages of Invenia ABUS Technology over 2D handheld Ultrasound

Identifying breast cancer on 3D Breast Ultrasound

How is 'Automated' breast Ultrasound different from handheld 2D Ultrasound?

How is ABUS performed?

Dense breast mail!